You know you were made for more. You feel it calling from your heart. 

You are ready to radiate. I am here to show you how.


8 Weeks to step into the radiant woman you were designed to be

Do you feel the same way?

You know you are made for more.  You feel the stirrings in your heart and know you are merely scratching the surface of your Divine Potential. You have tried to ignore the call, but it doesn't go away.

And Yet…


You are tired of running like a hamster on a treadmill, putting out ton of energy and getting nowhere.


You are considering giving up on the path you know is your true calling.


You have done everything the business coaching, podcasts and free trainings have told you to do and the results are just not showing up.


Marketing and selling what is on your heart feels “icky” and misaligned so you don't do it.


You’ve invested thousands of dollars and it feel like you’re in the same place you were when you started.


You feel called to step into more and also feel overwhelmed and confused when you start to think about taking action.


This 8 week group experience is only available for a limited time.

there is another way

You can:

Make the impact you came to create

Step into your purpose and your calling

Find the answers and the way that works for YOU


The answers are not found in a podcast, training, or mindset work.

The results are not going to come when you “fix” yourself or your business strategy.

The answers are found deep in your body and heart, in the quiet spaces where God can communicate your Divine Potential.

When you turn up the volume on the truth and turn down the volume on all the noise of confusion, anxiety and overwhelm

You get into ALIGNED ACTION.


Peacefully. Confidently. Permanently.



Hey there,

I am Misty.

I am honored to be your guide as you bring your important work into the world. 

I have been where you are. I knew I was meant to share my calling but it felt like the harder I tried, the more stuck I felt . So many times I wanted to give up and walk away but my heart kept pulling me back. I knew God had important work for me and yet I couldn't figure out how to create the impact and income I knew was possible.

I searched for the answers I so desperately wanted in the podcasts, trainings and strategies. 

I wanted someone (anyone!) to give me the answers for how to become the woman I knew I was designed to be.

Where I discovered my answers surprised me. My frustration and discontent led me to take a deep dive inward. I found the answers I was searching for in my body and heart as I connected more deeply with my intution and the path God had for me.

The answers I found inside led me to create the impact and income I desired. And thsi time it was MY way.

It is time to do it different. You have struggled long enough. I will show you another way to create your impact in the way that feels right for you. Because that is the only way that works.

special offer


Group begins April 10, 2024. 

in this 8 week group experience you will find your way and get into aligned action


All parts of you are on the same page. 

You are no longer fighting against yourself.

You access the Spirit as your guide and trust your intuition.

You feel a flow and ease and show up to your important work one small, consistent step at a time.

You find your voice and speak up with grace and confidence.

You show up in integrity with yourself

You let your light SHINE!





8 Week Group Program starting April 10, 2024

90 MInute Group Calls every Wednesday at 12:30 PST

Group Coaching (Mind-set and Heart-set Work)

Somatic coaching, breathwork, and mindset work

Anytime access to coaching and support

Guided Exercises to practice in between sessions

All calls will be recorded


 In this powerful group experience 

 you  will…


Create a clear vision of your unique impact and ignite the fire that propels you into action


Learn somatic techniques to uncover the beliefs that are stopping you


Delete the outdated subconscious programming that is no longer serving you


Learn deep listening techniques to tap into your intuition and become a powerful creator in your life and business


Use breathwork, somatic coaching and meditation to re-program old patterns and turn up the volume on The Truth of who you are


Participate in group coaching and share, connect and grow with other like-minded women.

this will be an intitmate group. Enroll now to reserve your spot

kind words from clients

“Misty helped me realize that my body was holding onto old thought patterns and beliefs that were creating chronic pain and money blocks. Once I started to work on it from a body level instead of just a mind level, everything shifted. I highly recommend working with Misty.”

-C.S. (Business Coach)

“I am taking better care of myself. I am trusting Divine Order in choices I make for my business. I am working less and earning more. About to finish the year tripling my revenue from last year.”


-T.W. (Speaker & Coach)

“Deciding to invest in myself and hire Misty was the best decision I’ve ever made. She gave me new tools to not only “see” but to get curious about my limiting beliefs and break them down. Not only am I almost finished with the novel, I have the confidence to stand in the best version of myself. I’ve never been so happy, filled with joy and eager to see what the next chapter of my life brings. ”

-T.W. (Author)

“I've never been coached in this way before.”

Jen Liss ;) (Coach and Breathworker

open the door of possibility

because when it's open… you will radiate!

a Foundation to build upon

You’ll have the tools you need to access your intuition and know the next best step to take toward any goal. You will have a regular routine that propels you to accomplish whatever goal you set.

Confidence to take action

Self-doubt will evaporate as you continue to practice the methods you will learn in this program. This spark ignited inside you will grow stronger and allow you to show up in confidence to your important work.

begin with the end in mind

You will take one goal through the 8 weeks and watch it unfold as you become the woman who already has what you want through breathwork, visualization and somatic healing tools.

Listen to the nudge in your heart telling you you're ready. It's where all the magic happens

 enroll today Space is limited

So much power in saying yes and allowing transformation. Truly a blessing!


Misty’s program is all about Deep, transformational coaching that allowed me to heal some old wounds that were holding me back. 


The work Misty does is life-changing. Learning to connect with my best self on a regular basis has been powerful!


I have the peace of mind/thought to ask, what do I need and then pursue the best/most likely course of getting it. I am so thankful I invested in myself and began the work with Misty.


it is only through love that you will make the changes you so desperately want for yourself

Wander into the world of your body and heart and uncover the truth that’s been hiding inside you